Baskets Golf Concert

Keep the Supply Coming…

Trinity Life Ministry continues to accept new men, and we need to make sure we have the supplies to welcome new residents at the house on an ongoing basis.

One of the ways you support the work we do at Trinity is by providing practical, day-to-day items that the men require to begin a new phase of life.

👉 You’ve recently helped us rejuvenate our inventory of backpacks: thank you!

However, now we are needing to replenish our supply of welcome baskets to be ready for more incoming men. Right now, we are down to just 5 welcome baskets. 😮

Would you help us prepare more welcome baskets for the men the Lord will be bringing to Trinity in the coming days?

➡️ A Welcome Basket usually runs around $75-100, and includes the following:

  • A plastic laundry basket

  • A pillow and comforter

  • A 3-piece twin bed linen set

  • 2 large towels, 2 washcloths, and a hand towel

  • A toothbrush, toothpaste, and deodorant

  • Shaving cream and disposable razors

  • An alarm clock

  • A note of encouragement

We've received donations from individuals, small groups, and churches (some people "go in" together to help provide these items). It is a practical way you can help men feel the love of Christ from the get-go of their Trinity journey.

Welcome Baskets can be dropped off at our main Lafayette office:
2150 Elmwood Street
Lafayette, IN 47904

Thank you for your generosity!

Calling All Early Birds! 🐣


The Early Bird Registration Period for Trinity’s annual Golf Scramble is about to disappear! 🪄

Signing up for our golf fundraiser now saves you 10%…

👉 BUT you need to register BEFORE Monday, August 14th.

Early Bird Registration is $360 per team and $90 per single adult.

Register this week to save your spot (and your dough! 😉)

Come hit the fairway, have some fun, and support an amazing cause:

Saturday, September 9:

Ravines Golf Course

8525 Division Road

West Lafayette, IN 47906

⬇️ Learn more and reserve your discount at the button below: ⬇️


Help Us Fill the Concert Hall

After our fun Golf Scramble on the morning of Saturday, September 9, we’ll be raising the roof with music and praise at the Stephen McWhirter Concert!

Stephen McWhirter went from a meth addict to a follower of Jesus. Now, he is passionate about worshipping Jesus and leading others to Him.

He’ll be performing at a free will offering concert, with all donations going to Trinity Life Ministry. 🙌

➡️ 150 tickets are already gone, and we’re about 1/4 full. We’d love to pack the concert hall in praise of our Lord and in support of Trinity!

Get your free ticket and mark it on your calendar while you can!

Stephen McWhirter Concert

When: September 9, 7PM

Where: River City Community Center

Please spread the word to your friends and family.

We’ll see you there!

Sign Up for a Free Ticket and Reserve Your Spot

If you have any questions or if the Lord is moving you to partner with us, please feel free to contact me.

Nehemiah 4:14-15,

Ken Clarke
Director of Development and Communication


Two opportunities to give to the Trinity Life Ministry:

  • Send your donation to:

    • Trinity Life Ministry, 2150 Elmwood Ave, Lafayette, IN 47904

  • Select the Donate button.


"The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me,
because He anointed Me to preach the gospel to the poor.
He has sent Me to proclaim releases to the captives,
and recovery of sight to the blind,
to set free those who are oppressed,
to proclaim the favorable year of the Lord
Luke 4 18:19