Changing Lives,
New Beginnings

Who We Are
With an impactful history spanning 40 years since its establishment in 1985, Trinity Life Ministry has been a guiding light for individuals ensnared by addiction.

Thrift Stores
Lost, then Found is a non-profit store that supports community and the work being done at Trinity Life Ministry. We have locations in Lafayette and Crawfordsville.
Upcoming Events
"At Trinity I felt love. I actually felt that these people not only care about me, but they literally want to see me succeed."
Frequently Asked Questions
Can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Reach out on our contact form.
What is Trinity Life Ministry?
We are a 12-month, faith-based, men’s residential program that transforms men and reconciles them to their families.
How do I get started?
Click on the tab marked ‘Apply’ and fill out the application.
Does Trinity Life Ministry accept insurance?
Trinity Life Ministry is a privately funded ministry. There is a $200 entrance fee once accepted.
Follow us for updates
We are a redemptive community that brings hope by transforming men and reconciling their families through the power of Jesus Christ.
Support Trinity Life Ministry
We rely on donations from the community — giving of your time volunteering, donations of items to our stores and monetary funds.