Trinity Life Ministry Blog
Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect, Romans 12:2.
Praying for the Men
Please consider praying for the men. You can get a copy of the men to pray for and this month's prayer requests. See Prayer Card. Click here
Home Sweet Home
Trinity has been blessed with a new home! Currently, the residence house is at full capacity which is good news. However, this also presents a...
What is Commissioning?
At the end of 12 months, when a man has fulfilled the program's requirements, he is commissioned. Matthew 28:19 begins with a command, "Go therefore...
What Happens After Recovering from Addiction?
Unswerving Commitment
We are excited about the opportunity to grow the work being done at Trinity. Unswerving Commitment is an initiative to help men who want to continue...
Transformation – 2023 Year-End Newsletter
Take a moment to read our 2023 Year-End Newsletter. You will read about our Baggage List and how two graduates got married this year....
A Letter From A Parent
Please note: We give all glory to God. He is doing great things in the lives of men and their families. Trinity Life Ministry is the vessel He uses...
Baggage List
The Baggage List Team at Trinity Life Ministry is changing lives! With their help, our men are getting driver's licenses, birth certificates, and...
Adam Winn’s Testimony
"At Trinity I felt love. I actually felt that these people not only care about me, but they literally want to see me succeed." — Adam Winn, Former...
2 Encouraging Testimonies: Hear God’s Miraculous Power to Save
Damien and Tim are just two men commissioned from Trinity Life Ministry who have experienced the transforming power of the Jesus Christ in their...
Justin Lendman’s Testimony Spring Banquet 2023
"If you know someone going through addiction, they are not a lost cause. Don't give up hope." — Justin Lendman...
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We are a redemptive community that brings hope by transforming men and reconciling their families through the power of Jesus Christ.