Trinity Life Ministry Blog

Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect, Romans 12:2.

A Letter From A Parent

by | Dec 24, 2023

Please note: We give all glory to God. He is doing great things in the lives of men and their families. Trinity Life Ministry is the vessel He uses to accomplish His will.

Hello Phil,

…I shutter to think what would’ve happened with           if you hadn’t had the kindness and foresight to get him into the Trinity program. I have noticed a remarkable difference in his attitude, planning, and most of all for his ability to show love. I don’t believe any of this would’ve been possible without a place like Trinity. I did not know what to do but as always God had a plan.

…(we) had been praying that this would come about one day…It was a day a day like one we’ve never had before and may never have again…I know I get all wrapped up and forgot what life is really about, as I am trying to rectify that, I hope you and yours are doing well and I wish you a very Merry and hopeful holiday. I thank you again for the miracle you have performed on my son. It’s been a long time coming, years and years, so I pray that it continues.

Blessings, A parent