Golf Scramble Sponsorship Opportunities
Presenting Sponsor – $3,500
- Name and logo on event information
- Large sponsor sign near the practice green
- Opportunity to provide company info and giveaways
- Recognition at the awards ceremony
- Recognition on all social media about the event
- Includes a Foursome
Gold Sponsor – $2,000
- Sponsorship of golf carts, beverage carts, or prizes
- Opportunity to provide company info and giveaways
- Recognition at the awards ceremony
- Recognition on all social media about the event
- Includes a Foursome
Silver Sponsor – $1,000
- Sponsorship of putting contest, men or women
- Sponsorship of longest drive contest, men or women
- Closest to the pin, men or women
- Longest drive, men or women
- Opportunity to provide company info and giveaways
- Includes two golfers
Bronze Sponsor – $500
- Sponsorship of a hole
- Opportunity to provide company info and giveaways
- Includes one golfer